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  • Writer's pictureIlona Duncan

Come, Travel With Me

Updated: Aug 4, 2021

The corona virus has forced most of us to stay home. If you’re like me, you miss social contact: a latte at a café, an outing to a sporting event, a restaurant meal, a concert. When people can travel freely again, will you take that coveted vacation? Personally, I no longer feel the need to tour our planet. Since childhood, I have been privileged to travel and have seen most of the world. Still, when the pandemic allows free movement again, I would welcome a short trip to stay in a hotel for the weekend. Germans have a noun for it: Tapetenwechsel, which means 'change of wallpaper'!

Recently, countless people had to cancel travel plans. Airlines grounded their fleets, ships remained in harbor, hotels closed their doors. Some of you might have anticipated a first trip abroad or a honeymoon on an island resort. Even a drive to the mountains or to the seashore became unwise. Where would you stay or eat? And the National and State Parks closed.

In time the restrictions will be lifted, and people will again visit places on their bucket list. But, for now, confined as we are, why not get a copy of At Home On the Road, and join two-world travelers on a journey through North America?

In 1999, my husband Ian and I sold our home in Miami, bought a converted bus, and became nomads. For over two years we enjoyed a thrilling adventure. We crossed rivers and meadows, drove through deserts and over mountains, sought wildlife on lonely roads in rough country. If you read my book, you will experience a couple's daily routine, laugh at our inevitable disputes, smile at our countless mishaps. When Ian and I made our journey, we traveled without the luxury of GPS, relied on the AAA American Road Atlas, and dealt with rudimentary cell phone coverage. And yes, confinement tested our marriage. But two years of experiencing nature's spiritual and uplifting beauty only deepened the relationship that Ian and I have.

If you read At Home on the Road, it might inspire you to seek the freedom of a nomadic life. Except for stopping for gas and groceries, you will be able to outwit the current virus or those to come. Wherever you go, I wish you the best of journeys.


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